Keto Diets: Muscle Growth & Bone Density

Ketogenic Diets: Muscle Growth and Bone Density An official document of the International Society of Nutrition and Sport on keto diets notes the ergolytic effects of keto diets for both high and low intensity training. Ergolytic is the opposite of ergogenic. Ergogenic means performance enhancer, while ergolytic means a deterioration in the performance of athletes. For non-athletes, ketosis can also undermine training efforts. Ketosis is associated with an increased sense of perceived effort, fatigue and mood swings during physical activity, suggesting that ability and the desire to maintain regular exercise may be adversely affected in people who follow a ketogenic diet to lose weight.

I have already mentioned the reduction of the measured muscle size after training cross fit. So a ketogenic diet can not only worsen endurance of athletes, but also their strength during training. If you make people do all the standard upper and lower body exercises for eight weeks – lifting weights from a bench, pull-ups, squats, lifting weights in an upright position, It’s no surprise that you will increase your muscle mass unless you are on a keto diet, in which case there was no significant change in muscle mass after all these efforts.

This group, randomized to a non-ketogenic diet, increased their muscle mass by about 1.3 kg. while with the same amount of weight lifting on the keto diet led to a decrease in muscle mass by an average of about 1.5 kg. How else will you lift weights for 8 weeks and you will not get a gram more muscle mass on a ketogenic diet? Even proponents of keto diets call bodybuilding a ketogenic diet oxymoron. What about bone loss? Unfortunately, bone fractures are one of the side effects which indiscriminately affects children on a ketogenic diet along with stunted growth and kidney stones.

Ketogenic diets can cause permanent bone loss, measured in the spine, the presumed cause being because ketones are acidic, and so keto diets can put people in a so-called chronic acidotic state. Some of the reported cases of children on keto diets are really heartbreaking. A 9-year-old girl seems to have gotten everything – osteoporosis, bone fractures, kidney stones, then she got pancreatitis and died. Pancreatitis can be caused by the presence of too much fat in the blood. Just one high-fat meal can cause four times as many triglycerides in your blood only within hours of consumption, which may put you at risk for inflammation of the pancreas. She had a rare genetic condition called glucose transporter deficiency syndrome, in which a person is born with a defect in the transfer of blood sugar to the brain. This can lead to daily seizures that start in early childhood, but the ketogenic diet can be used as a way to add fuel to the brain.

So a ketogenic diet can be a gift from God to 1 in 90,000 families, affected by this disease. As with everything else in medicine, it’s all a matter of risks versus benefits. About 30% of patients with epilepsy do not respond to seizure medications, and the alternatives aren’t very good, including things like brain surgery. This may mean implanting deep electrodes through the skull or even removing a lobe from your brain. This can obviously lead to serious side effects, but the same goes for getting seizures every day. So if a ketogenic diet helps with seizures, the benefits far outweigh the harms. For those who choose a diet to lose weight, however, the benefit / harm analysis will really look different.

Fortunately, you don’t have to mortgage your health in the long run due to short-term weight loss. You can get the best out of both by choosing a healthy diet. Do you remember this study that showed that weight loss after following of Atkins’ low-carb diet for one year was almost identical with that of those who follow Ornish’s low-fat diet? The authors come to the conclusion: this supports the practice of recommending any diet, to which the patient will adhere in order to lose weight.

This seems like terrible advice. There are regimens, such as the last chance diet, which apparently consists of a liquid formula made from residual products from the slaughterhouse, which is also associated with approximately 60 deaths. Well, she really promised to change people’s lives. The subsequent unsuccessful case of a widower set a precedent to protect the First Amendment for deadly diet books.

It is possible to make a healthy low carb diet or an unhealthy low fat diet – a diet with cotton candy would be without any fat – but the health consequences from a typical low-carb ketogenic diet, such as Atkins, differ significantly from the low-fat plant diet, such as that of Ornish. They will not only have diametrically opposite effects on cardiovascular risk factors in theory, based on fiber and saturated fat and the cholesterol content of the respective daily menus, when in fact on inspection, low carb diets turn out to be that they impair arterial function.

Over time, blood flow to the heart muscle itself improves with the Ornish diet and reduced with a low-carb diet. Heart disease tends to progress with typical weight loss diets. being actively aggravated by low-carb diets, but can be stopped with an Ornish-style diet. Given that cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of men and women, “The recommendation of any diet that the patient will adhere to in order to lose weight,” seems irresponsible. Why don’t you tell people to smoke? Cigarettes can also lead to weight loss, as can tuberculosis and amphetamines.

but the purpose of weight loss is not to lighten the weight of your coffin during the funeral.

Read More: Top 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again!

About aatifriaz

Aatif riaz is a professional writer and SEO professional. He loves to write articles about health and technology.

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