SchoolPTS Overview – School Management System or Software Demo

Welcome to school PTS school PTS is the most advanced school management software that Can be used by schools, colleges or any educational institute. In this video, I’m going to give you a brief demonstration about the software and how to use I’m going to use principal or admin login who will have access to all features. Obviously This is the dashboard. You can check how many students are present and who is absent. You can also send their parents a Personalized, a text message.

Oh This text message service is not enabled for this account. If this text message asshur is enabled for your account, You will see a text box here. You can send them a personalized message, and Here you can just check attendance details on this specific date using this calendar moving back to the dashboard, and this service is same for teachers as well, and The next feature is school calendar.

It’S uniquely designed for the school to manage their events. Everyone within the school will have access to this calendar, so they can easily get the information about holidays and exams and all other school activities Moving down here.

We have our some other features about students and teachers. Don’T worry, We will just explain about all other features in our coming up videos Here you can see a student’s area, you can add a new student, Their personal details, admission details and the health information, Etc.

So if you want to edit a specific students information, you can also do that using edit student option. Here You can upload the documents like the photo, their Parents documents, their ID cards etc, And you can just check their attendance and so many other features in this student area.

You can just See here examination you can add exam or delete exam. You can also view this exams that were already added to this to the chart And when it comes to Teachers area, you can add a new teacher, as you can see their information and the duties and all that You can just edit.

The teacher. If you want to and upload the documents like their ID upload their photo and all that right, it’s exactly same as Students. So here, as you can see, you will have all accounts related information. I mean it’s a financial related information, so you can add fee total fee details, collect fee and Salary management, etc.

As I told you, we will explain about all these features in our coming up videos, So this is just overview about SchoolPTS software.

About aatifriaz

Aatif riaz is a professional writer and SEO professional. He loves to write articles about health and technology.

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