How your digestive system works – Emma Bryce

Nawal Sharabati Across the whole planet On average people eat between 1 and 2.7 kilograms of food per day. This equates to over 365 kilograms per person per year And more than 28,800 kg over a lifetime. Each piece passes through the digestive system Consisting of ten members covering nine meters. It includes more than 20 types of specialized cells.

This is one of the most varied and complex systems in the human body, Its parts work continuously and harmoniously to perform one task, Converting raw materials for your food Into food and energy that keeps you alive By stretching it along your torso. The digestive system consists of four main components:

First, there is the digestive system, A twisted channel that transfers your food. It has an interior flat area between 30 and 40 square meters. It is enough to cover half of the badminton court. Second, there is the pancreas And bitterness And the liver, Three devices that analyze food, using a group of special juices, Third body, enzymes Hormones And nerves And blood, Working together to break down food, Adjusting the digestion And deliver its finished products. And finally, there are the mesentery A large stretch of tissue supports And makes all the digestive system in the stomach It enables it to carry out its functions.

The digestive process begins even before food reaches your tongue. Expecting a delicious summit Glands in your mouth begin to pump saliva We produce around 1.5 liters of this liquid every day Once it reaches your mouth, So chewing meets saliva flowing To convert food into a moist mass called bolus. The enzymes in the saliva break down, i.e starch. Then he finds your food himself On the edge of a 25-centimeter long tube called the esophagus To where he must make his way quickly to reach the stomach.

Nerves surrounding esophageal tissue Feeling swallowing and stirring A series of specific muscle spasms That pushes food into the stomach Where he lies at the mercy of the muscles of the stomach wall, Which requires bolus to split it into pieces. The hormones secreted by cells in the lining stimulate the release of acids And enzyme-rich juices from the stomach wall That begins to break down food and break down its proteins.

These hormones also stimulate the pancreas And the liver And bitterness To produce digestive juices And transfer the bile, a yellowish green liquid, which digests fats In preparation for the next stage After 3 hours inside the stomach.

Once the symmetrical bolus becomes a thin liquid, called chyme And ready to move to the small, intestine, Yellow liver receives bitterness, It is excreted in the first part of the small intestine called the duodenum. Here. The floating fats dissolve in the clay mixture of chyme. It is easily digested by the pancreas and intestinal juices That filter out on the surface.

These enzyme-rich juices break down fat molecules into fatty acids And glycerin to facilitate absorption into the body. Enzymes also do a final breakdown, Proteins into amino acids And for carbohydrates to glucose. This occurs in the lower part of the small intestine Fasting and ileum Coated, with millions of tiny bumps called intestine villi. This creates a large area to increase molecular absorption And switching to the bloodstream.

Blood takes her to the last stage of her journey To nourish the bodys organs and tissues, But it is not over The remaining fibers And water And dead cells raised during digestion. It reaches the large intestine, also known as the colon, The body drains. Most of the remaining fluid through the intestinal wall.

What remains is a soft mass called stool. The colon squeezes this by-product into a bag called the rectum Where nerves feel the expansion And tell the body when to expel waste. The byproducts of digestion exit the anus And the long food trip, Which usually lasts between 30 and 40 hours, Finally finished

About aatifriaz

Aatif riaz is a professional writer and SEO professional. He loves to write articles about health and technology.

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