So when you’re obese how do you even begin to lose weight? I have three awesome very in-depth tips for you from personal experience coming up what is up 4 Faith Nation thank you so much again for tuning in the video I really appreciate it if you are new around here consider giving us a thumbs up and then subscribing to the channel because I talk about weight loss and fat loss and that is it my only goal is to help you reach your goals possibly for the first time ever so if you are obese and you are tuning in this video wondering how can I even start to lose weight let’s jump right into the tips tip number one is to make slow changes most of my obese clients who come to me especially at first they want all this weight loss extremely fast and extremely quickly and you can’t blame them they’re tired of feeling that way and this comes from my own personal experience as well I know how it feels psychologically mentally physically feel like you’re being laughed at or you feel intimidated in certain situations whatever it is everyone might be a little bit different but that’s how I felt and I understand the desire to change that really fast but you also have to understand how quickly it is if you take it slow and what I mean by that is if you’re steady losing 2 3 4 pounds a week especially if you’re obese you can definitely be up there towards the 4 pound a week mark that is a lot of weight in a year if you average 2 pounds a week if you are obese that’s one hundred and something pounds it is a lot of space being taken up that you are now going to be that much smaller you’re gonna be a lot smaller you know and that’s that’s a good year by all means but 30 40 50 pounds you’re going to feel significantly better so don’t look way into the future at what you desire and what you want look at right now I can obtain 20 30 40 pounds is it going to take a little while yes but you can crush it you’re going to feel awesome so don’t make all these changes all at once because that is a sure way to fail if you have 10 bad habits that you you know overeating not working out whatever it is I have to go on and on and on and you try to change every single one of them all at once of course you’re going to fail that’s why you failed in the past because you’ve tried to make too many changes at once and your body’s just freaking it out and you’re, your’e psychologically freaking out because everything is so new and so intimidating and confusing so don’t make all those changes at once tip number two is to master your habits and keep things simple research shows and case studies show that people who have lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off have three main habits that they have kept which one is food logging two is consistent weighing and three is exercise in some capacity that does not necessarily mean going in the gym and absolutely destroying yourself or crushing it or whatever which by all means can be done but what I’m going for is just maybe a walk at first just get used to exercising and then weighing yourself and at first maybe not it depends on each person but getting in the habit eventually of weighing yourself helps you keep in mind oh like it shouldn’t be used to judge you if it goes up you’re just like okay I just need to be more aware what I’m eating and that’s why weighing yourself consistently helps in same thing with food logging you might find out that a food that you don’t even like that much has a ton of calories or you might have stopped eating a thousand calories ago if you knew that you were at the three thousand calorie marker already so whatever it is it can really help just underlying psychological performance you will just do better with those habits and by starting with those and concentrating just on those habits you’re sure to find success because you don’t have too much on your plate number three and this is the big one is you don’t have to do a complete turnaround understand that right off the bat no matter what small changes you make you are already miles ahead of where you were whenever you weren’t thinking about your health at all let me explain that a little bit you have to understand where you were before you’re probably eating if you are obese you’re probably eating 3,000 maybe 4,000 calories I mean everyone’s different body types are different but you were eating a significant amount of calories in order to be able to maintain that body fat carrying around all that body fat isn’t easy.
It’s like carrying around a really heavy backpack and in order for you to be able to carry around all that weight you had to be consuming a lot of calories just to maintain your physique and so just by- you don’t have to cut down to 2,000 calories right away or 1500 or you know people these extreme diets you have to cut all the way down there right away simply going to 2700 3000 calories which is a good amount of food is going to still be so much better than where you were before you don’t need to make you don’t need to be perfect right off the bat you need to be better and that’s what you need to focus on is just progression not perfection well that is all for today’s video guys I hope that was helpful and I could certainly go more in depth on those tips so in the comments section ask me your questions I might even do a video more in depth on specific questions given if you are looking for help I personally I’ve been obese I understand what it feels like psychologically and mentally and physically and I mentioned this in beginning the video I always felt like I was being laughed at or I was being looked at and I know how it is if you need help please reach out I can at least give you my personal advice one-on-one but I would love to train you check out online training at 4 faith fitness com it’s awesome having a personal trainer in your pocket seven days a week to help keep you motivated so please go check that out I would love to help you obesity is my passion it is absolutely the reason I got into this and there would be nothing more pleasing to me and to be a part of changing your life forever thanks again guys so much tuning in the video I feed off of your views and comments and I just love that I’m actually getting to help people so thank you so much I really appreciate you you guys have a great rest of your day and God bless