How to reduce lead levels by eating: thiamine, fiber, iron, fat, fasting?
There are certain nutrients to which intake is associated with lower levels of lead in the body. For example, women with higher thiamine intake, vitamin B1 intake, seem to have lower levels of lead in the blood, as is the case with workers exposed to lead. The intake of fiber and iron were also linked with lower levels of lead in the body to a lesser extent.
The conclusion is that fiber can trap lead and get him out of the body, and iron would interfere with the absorption of lead, while thiamine can accelerate the removal of lead through the bile. Thus, it is assumed that the intake of much iron, fiber and especially foods rich in thiamine, “May cause rapid removal and separation of … lead from tissues.” But thiamine has never been tested, in which you give thiamine to people and see if lead levels drop.
The closest I’ve been able to find is an intervention with thiamine in goats poisoned with lead. And most of the fiber data is just from tube testing, as in which, in simulated bowel conditions, filled with stool flasks, both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber could bind large amounts of mercury, cadmium and lead to such an extent, that they may have blocked absorption in the small intestine; although when our good gut flora eats the fiber, some of the heavy metals can be re-released into the colon.
So this does not completely rule out the possibility of failure, as with thiamine, there have been no controlled human studies to date. But look, where can we find thiamine? Here are some of the healthiest sources that also contain fiber, concentrated in super nutritious foods like legumes and leafy plants, which we all have to eat anyway. So even if thiamine and fiber-rich foods they don’t actually reduce your lead levels, yet you will be healthier again. However, they also tested the iron… failed to improve the cognitive performance of children who were exposed to lead, failed to improve the behavior or symptoms of ADH.
This is not surprising because the iron failed to lower the lead levels, just like accepting zinc as an additive. It turns out that while iron can limit lead absorption, it can also suppress the separation of lead, which is already in your body. And iron may not even stop the uptake of lead at all. This claim was based on rodent studies, but it turns out we are not rodents. Same story with zinc.
It can also help protect the testes of rats, but does not appear to have helped the children. However, iron is routinely prescribed in children with lead poisoning. “Given the lack of scientific evidence, supporting the use of indiscriminate iron supplements in… children with lead poisoning, their routine use should be reviewed. ” Although, of course, if you have an iron deficiency, the supplement may help.
The intake of too much fat is determined as something that can make things worse for children exposed to lead. Food fats are associated with higher levels of lead in cross-sectional studies conducted over a period of time, and there is a plausible biological mechanism.
Food fats can increase lead uptake by stimulating bile further, which in turn can contribute to the absorption of lead, but we couldn’t really know until we checked. In addition to the study of iron, fats were also tested. Whether a group of abnormal volunteers a cocktail of radioactive lead. Then, with something like a Geiger counter, they were able to measure how much radiation they hold in their body.
Drinking lead with iron or zinc has changed nothing, but the addition of about 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil increased the absorption of lead in the body from about 60% to about 75%. The only thing that seemed to help reducing lead up to about 40%, was eating light food with a lead drink. What was that food like? Coffee and a donut. I think this is the first donut intervention, which I have seen to have a positive result.
Could the reason be in the coffee? It is unlikely that drinking coffee is associated with very little increase in blood levels. If fats make things worse and the sugar they tried doesn’t help, they thought the solution was to eat any food, not to take lead on an empty stomach, that made the difference. And really, if you repeat the study with one serving of food, Lead utilization not only decreases from 60% to 40%, but up to 4%! This is exceptional. This means that it is 15 times worse to process lead on an empty stomach.