How to lower cholesterol | 5 tips to lower cholesterol in your breakfast

5 Tips to Lower Cholesterol in Your Breakfast. To reduce high cholesterol levels we must start taking measures from the start of the day and ensure that our diet is healthy and balanced. If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, start making changes in your breakfast. Besides being one of the most important meals of the day, it is an instant when our organism is much more receptive to certain foods. An empty stomach will assimilate and absorb much better nutrients . If we also provide adequate vitamins, minerals and healthy enzymes, we will overcome that high cholesterol so dangerous for our health .. So … Why not follow these simple tips to take care of us a little better? They are simple, healthy and delicious.

We suggest you take note. 1. Oatmeal, the Perfect Cereal to Lower Cholesterol. As we are told from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (USA), oats are one of the best foods to reduce bad cholesterol or LDL. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, much needed to reduce the lipoprotein that causes LDL. In turn, this lipoprotein minimizes the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream. Suggestion. It is interesting to know that something as easy as combining a bowl of oatmeal with some piece of fruit, such as a banana and nuts , allows us to achieve a remedy as simple as effective to combat cholesterol.

Try it out tomorrow! 2. Avocados, needed for a healthy diet. Surprised by this suggestion? There are many people who often avoid eating avocados when they have high cholesterol. They think it’s too calorific a food, with too much fat. Avocados are a potent source of nutrients, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids , ideal for keeping cholesterol levels balanced. If we get used to eating 3-4 avocados a week, we will take care of our heart health, while reducing bad cholesterol levels. Suggestions. Prepare in your breakfast a toast of integral bread with some slices of avocado and tomato. You can also cut a few pieces of avocado and combine them in a bowl with a banana and some honey. 3. The cure of lemon and garlic to reduce cholesterol. The Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) reminds us that garlic is very beneficial to our health. In addition to acting as a natural antibiotic, it is diuretic, depurative, antiseptic and antibacterial. Something as simple as taking a clove of garlic in the morning could help us lower high cholesterol. Also, there is a simple remedy that can be just as useful: the cure of garlic and lemon.

Here we explain the steps to put it into practice. How to Make a Cure for Garlic and Lemon. Ingredients. The juice of 1 lemon. 1 clove garlic. 1 glass of water (200 ml). Preparation. It’s very simple. It is just a matter of heating a little that glass of water for later, adding lemon juice. The first thing we will do is eat that garlic tooth fast. Next, we will slowly drink that glass of lukewarm water with lemon.

We can do it two to three times a week. 4. Toasted rye bread with olive oil. It is important that we choose the bread that we are going to consume. The best is always the one that contains whole grain, rich in fiber and without refined flours. To reduce cholesterol, it prevents, especially, the bread of mold . Also, if you want to follow a diet as healthy as possible, do not hesitate: your best option is the rye bread. It is the bread that has the most fiber and nutrients inside. It is an exquisite blend of iron and B vitamins that will keep our cholesterol levels at bay.

On the other hand, and to enjoy a healthy breakfast, nothing better than include in it a slice of this rye bread with a little extra virgin olive oil. The olive oil extra virgin is the one with higher nutritional quality. It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), vitamin E and phytosterols, all of which are cardioprotective compounds. Suggestions. It is important that in our breakfast, in addition to fiber, some protein is included. So, do not hesitate to combine this slice of bread with a slice of turkey breast, for example. Eggs, on the other hand, consumed with balance and moderation are also adequate. Do not be afraid to include them in your breakfasts once or twice a week. 5. White tea to reduce cholesterol. You can find white tea in any natural store. It is, without doubt, the best natural drink to reduce our high cholesterol. White tea has hypocholesterolemic properties and has a high antioxidant power. In addition, this drink of long tradition in the East, is detoxifying and can help us to accelerate the metabolism to lose weight.

Aspects to keep in mind. White tea by itself will not make our cholesterol balance automatically. We must follow a balanced diet where we avoid saturated fats and industrial pastries. Now, something as easy as taking care of our breakfast to the maximum, will, little by little, see results. Do not hesitate to take a good infusion of white tea every morning. .

About aatifriaz

Aatif riaz is a professional writer and SEO professional. He loves to write articles about health and technology.

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