We do not get tired of convincing you that even the most familiar products can be used to prepare original dishes. It is enough to connect a culinary fantasy … or to turn to professionals for help. A great example of this is a vegetable salad of ordinary cabbage, carrots and cucumbers . Adding an interesting Asian-style dressing to the usual vegetables, he came up with an original and very tasty salad.
amount 4 servings
Time 15 minutes
- 100 g red cabbage
- 100 g of white cabbage
- 80 g peeled carrots
- 80 g radish
- 40 g of soybean sprouts
- 70 g of cucumbers
- 15 g pumpkin seeds
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 150 g Asian sauce
For asian sauce:
- 40 g peeled carrots
- 40 g peeled onions
- clove of garlic
- 25 g unrefined cane sugar
- 80 ml Rice Vinegar Mitsukan
- 100 ml of vegetable oil
- 30 ml of soy sauce
- For Asian sauce: chop carrots, onions and garlic. Beat with the remaining ingredients in a blender.
- Cut into thin strips vegetables for salad, mix with soybean sprouts.
- Season with sauce and olive oil.
- Put the salad on a plate and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds.