Digitize yourself – professor Jun Wang at DTU High Tech Summit 2018

To use a skin product – you need to know something about your skin first. To take medication – you should first know your illness. You have to digitize yourself – based on where you are and what you want. And start keeping track of your digital life. Do not just control your life based on instincts – but instead based on data.

Jun Wang is one of China’s top researchers – and one of the world’s ten most important researchers (Nature 2012) He has been the head of the Beijing Genomics Institute and is now working on developing digital duplicates in his private company IcarbonX. Jun Wang is the keynote speaker at the DTU High Tech Summit (October 10-11, 2018). Utilizing digital technology in healthcare opens up many opportunities. In the future, we need to apply the digital technologies in healthcare. The doctor will get to know the patient better – – and the patient gets to know each other better – – using these technologies.

Right now, not many people are in possession of their own genetic data.

Not many people have control over their digital life data. They know nothing about their bacteria. They never record their diets. 20 years ago, everyone was told they should start DNA sequencing themselves.

Today, I say that everyone should start digitizing themselves. Because technology will change – every single day. Jun Wang’s company Icarbon X has over 1 million users and the number is growing. We collect all kinds of data from your life. Including genomes, proteomics, metabolomes, antibodies and amino signatures.

It also includes apps that control everything about your lifestyle: – your diet, environmental data and even your emotions. So we collect all your data. What are the challenges? I think the biggest challenges – by digitizing healthcare in Europe – – and probably also in the rest of the world – is how to protect privacy and security.

Not only security for the individual but also national security.

There is a balance to be found. How will it change the pharmaceutical industry? Pharmaceutical companies need to understand – – how data can change the way they make products. Previously, one product was made that suited everyone – – because it maximized profits But with all this personal data – they will need individual solutions – instead of just making a ‘super product’ that fits everything.

The trend of digitization is not just limited to biotech or healthcare – it is actually to be found everywhere.

If I go to Amazon – or if I go to Ali Baba to buy things – then I would like the experience to be designed for myself. When I have to google something, Google already knows what I want to search for. We want the products and services we use – – is designed for ourselves..

As found on YouTube

About aatifriaz

Aatif riaz is a professional writer and SEO professional. He loves to write articles about health and technology.

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