Snapchat Filters Biometric Privacy

What’s This About?

Siri & Glimstad and their affiliated firm are actively filing claims against Snapchat for capturing face and eye biometrics in violation of the Illinois Biometric Privacy Laws (BIPA). The BIPA is a law enacted by the State of Illinois in 2008 which regulates the collection, use, and handling of biometric identifiers and information by private companies. The BIPA covers “biometric” data, which includes the sort of information companies collect from users in their App with features such as facial recognition.

How Do I Qualify?

If you live in Illinois currently (or lived in Illinois in the last 5 years) and used Snapchat and have used filters in the App, you may qualify. This includes the filter feature and/or lenses feature. Anyone that qualifies may apply, as guardians or parents can sign their children up with the same qualifications (Illinois residency and Snapchat filters/lenses used). You will also need to provide your Snapchat ID.

What Can I Get?

The payout is estimated to be from $500 to $1,000 per individual that files a valid claim.

To learn more click here

How Do I File a Claim?

You must submit a claim to qualify for a potential payout. The administrator will review your submission and if you qualify, will send you a confirmation engagement letter. Once you electronically sign the engagement letter, Siri & Glimstad and their affiliated firm will file a claim on your behalf against Snapchat. You can submit a claim form below.

About aatifriaz

Aatif riaz is a professional writer and SEO professional. He loves to write articles about health and technology.

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