Hdl cholesterol high Foods | Foods To Raise Levels Of Good Cholesterol


Foods to raise good cholesterol levels. I have already talked about foods that lower “bad” cholesterol. Well, now we will discuss Foods that raise high-density lipoproteins known as good Cholesterol. Good cholesterol helps the body get rid of bad cholesterol by transferring it to the liver, It is treated and removed from the body. People with high levels of good cholesterol have fewer cardiovascular risks developing Illness. Salmon: In a study conducted at Loma Linda University, people who took two 4-ounce servings of Salmon per week for four weeks had a 4% increase in densely populated HDL, also known as “good” cholesterol. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients very important for health and no body Not produced.

Dark chocolate: Eating bitter chocolate in large amounts can mean a lot of calories. However, eating Moderately, it may benefit the HDL upload. Berries: People who drank a cup of berries daily for an eight-week increase had a good cholesterol 5% levels. eggs: Eggs have been known to raise “bad” cholesterol. However, a study done in Thailand showed that people Those who eat an egg daily for 12 weeks increase their benefit Blood cholesterol levels by 48 percent! This is thought to be because the eggs contain lecithin. avocado: Avocado is one of the best foods for your body. Avocado also helps a good lift Cholesterol. The best way to eat avocado is to get fresh and benefits Raw. Cranberry juice: Sour cranberry juice is a popular remedy for cystitis but what most people do not know It is also good for raising good cholesterol levels. Orange juice to raise “good” cholesterol: Another juice that is good for raising high cholesterol is orange juice. a study Published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) showed that Drinking three cups a day of orange juice greatly improves blood fat.

It is not yet known exactly what is due, but we know that orange juice The food is rich and very nutritious. Whole grains and vegetables: Whole grains and vegetables contain niacin, a vitamin B-group that the Mayo Clinic experts Say good cholesterol. Olives: Like avocado, it contains monounsaturated olives that help raise good cholesterol levels.

Read More: Should All Children Have Their Cholesterol Checked?

About aatifriaz

Aatif riaz is a professional writer and SEO professional. He loves to write articles about health and technology.

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