Greenhouse Agenda: Weekly Highlights

What was important happened from August 12 to 16, 2019, according to the editorial board of Teplitsa.

YouTube and Telegram: what happened because of the protests 

In Moscow on Sakharov Avenue took concerted action for admission to the election of independent candidates. On the eve of the meeting the authors of anonymous Telegram-channel “Comrade Major,” published a file in which the personal information was more than three thousand people. It contained the addresses, phone numbers and passport details of journalists, independent candidates for elections to the Moscow City Duma and other detainees during protests. The file was later deleted. And the day after the rally in Moscow, Roskomnadzor calledYouTube and Google, the company that owns it, are responsible for the advertising of non-authorized shares. The service is accused of users receiving push notifications with information about unauthorized events from sources to which they did not subscribe. 

Developer InsiderTelegram talked about the program 

ANO “Center for the study of legitimacy and political protest” has created the program InsiderTelegram. It is used to deanonymize users of the Telegram messenger. It is with the help of “Medusa” was able to find a channel administrator “Comrade Major.” “MBH Media” talked with Eugene Venediktov, developer InsiderTelegram. 

Mutual assistance network launched for victims of domestic violence

The human rights activist Alena Popova and well-known blogger Alexander Mitroshina announced a mutual assistance network launch of victims of domestic violence # TyNeOdna . The platform has a database of bloggers and the media, as well as all projects to combat domestic violence. Also on the site you can find contacts of lawyers, psychologists, volunteers who are ready to help victims of violence, and fill out police applications. 

Canva will give NPOs free access to business functions 

Platform Design Canva open to non-profit organizations free access to the advanced version of the graphic online editor. In the Canva library you can find more than 70 thousand templates for design. To gain access you must send an application in English or Russian language link . 

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Beeline created a neural network to search for missing people

“Beeline” The company is launching the neural network “of Beeline the AI – People Search” to search and rescue team, “Liza Alert”. The technology analyzes photographs taken by drones from places to search for missing people in the forest. The neural network algorithm will help volunteers to reduce the time for viewing and sorting images by two and a half times.

Machine learning and VR will help neurosurgeons 

Machine learning technology and VR help hold virtual operation on excision of the tumor and evaluate the qualifications of neurosurgeons. In this case, the class of the surgeon can be determined with an accuracy of 90%.

AR masks for Stories can be created by all Instagram users 

Facebook has launched a public beta version of the service the Spark the AR , with which you can create masks with elements of augmented reality for the Stories in Instagram. Also published instructions and tutorials to create and upload their own AR-mask could all users. 

Skyeng will release a tablet with the transfer of records from a notebook to the cloud

Online English school Skyeng language in 2020 to release a graphics tablet that reads text and graphics in a notebook written by a pupil. The device is designed for students involved in math in the Skyeng Math division . Data will be transferred to their personal account on their own Vimbox platform. 

More on the topic: VR vs textbooks: what technologies change education

The number of cyber attacks on charity is growing

According to the Report on Cybersecurity for 2019 has increased the number of cyber attacks on non-profit organizations. Researchers interviewed NPOs in the UK, USA and Europe. It turned out that 61% of them had experienced cyber attacks last year. Whereas in 2018, only 45% of organizations affected this problem.

Finalists of the international contest of social projects Social Idea-2019 announced

The expert council of the international contest of social projects using digital technologies “Social Idea” named the projects that reached the final of the contest. Applications were submitted in three key areas of the competition: Social Mobile, Social Smart City, Social Big Data. Get acquainted with the list of finalists and learn more about the projects that came in the final stage on the official site of the contest link . The finale of the Social Idea contest will take place on October 8 in Moscow.

Robot News: Tails and Exoskeletons for the Elderly

Employees of Japanese Keio University presented a mechanical tail called Arque. The design allows the wearer to maintain balance thanks to a counterbalance system. In the future, this development should help older people with mobility difficulties. And scientists from the Wiss Research Institute at Harvard University createdrobotic exoskeleton that can be used every day. The suit is a pair of shorts with a mechanism attached to the lower back, and cables going to the straps on the legs. The suit is designed to help people unbend and bend their legs. Development may be useful to older people or those recovering from an accident. 

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