Edit PDF Documents For Free with OpenOffice – Windows [Tutorial]

Hello and welcome PDF or Portable Document Format is an open standard for document exchange. It was created by Adobe in 1993 as a way to create documents that would work the same on a variety of different operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac. Adobe offers Adobe Reader for free, which allows you to view the files only You can pay around $ 450 for the Pro version, which allows you to edit PDF files or you can use OpenOffice.org for free The default. Openoffice installation includes the ability to export a PDF, but does not have the ability to open or edit them To enable this ability. We need to install the PDF Import Extension If the PDF document being worked on is less than 20 pages and doesnt contain any advanced, vector, graphics or special fonts. This is the solution for you.

You can edit text font, family font, size, weight, style, graphiccs and more. It also works with password protected PDF files Lets open, OpenOffice.org Click, the Windows Start button, All Programs, OpenOffice.org 3.3 and then OpenOffice.org. The OpenOffice.org launcher window opens Lets. Take a look at what happens if we try to open a PDF without the extension Click the File menu, then Open Lets, Select a PDF file and click Open. I have a test PDF here.

We can see that it just shows gibberish Lets fix that by installing the PDF import extension, Click the Tools menu, then Extension Manager On the Extension Manager window. That opens click the Get more extensions online … link. It will open a web browser and bring you to the OpenOffice.org extensions page In the Search field enter PDF and press enter In the search results. The top result should be the Oracle PDF Import Extension Click. The link for the import extension Read more about the import extension. If you wish Then scroll down to the download section It has links for downloads for various operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac. I am using Windows 7, so I will download the Windows version To the right of Windows: ill click, the Win32Intel link, Review, the download and click the Get it button On the Download Information Bar click, the down arrow button to the right of Save and select Save. As

On the Save As window that opens, We need to pick a location to save the file. This can be anywhere you want When we install the extension. It makes a copy of this file and places it in the OpenOffice directory Click. The Save button Navigate back to the Extension Manager, Click, the Add … button On the Add Extension ( s, ) window, that opens select the file we just saved and click the Open button. It will ask you who should have access to this extension. Click, the For all users button On the Extension Software License Agreement window that opens read the license agreement and then click the Accept button. We can now see PDF Import listed in the extensions list If we no longer wanted to use this extension. We would come back here and click the Remove button. You can also come here to check for updates to the installed extensions Lets. Click. The Close button to close the Extension Manager Lets, try to open a PDF again and see what happens. Click the File menu then Open

Select the PDF document and click the Open button. We briefly see a green bar at the bottom, showing us the import extension is processing the document. Pdf documents are opened in the Draw program of OpenOffice. Everything in the PDF now looks correct, Show editing of objects. When we go to save the file by clicking the File menu, then the Save as link it wants to save in the ODF Drawing format. This is fine for editing and storage, but you probably want to save this as a PDF To save as a PDF click. The File menu then Export as PDF On the PDF Options window. That opens leave all the defaults and click the Export button. The Export window will open Browse to the location you want to save the file and click the Save button. You can use this same method to convert a Word Doc to a PDF, Just open the .doc file in OpenOffice Text Document. Then click File and Export as PDF as we did before.

So we now can open PDF documents, edit them and export them as a PDF. Again We can open a Text document like a Word document and then export it as a PDF. This should cover the PDF editing needs of most users..